Maximize Recovery on Your CCUS Operation

Combining Reliable Technology and Experienced Personnel

The US Coring team provide operators with viable core samples to determine a field's potential for carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS). This practice captures CO2 that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere, and injects it into geologic formations deep underground for safe, secure, and permanent storage.

US Coring has safely cut thousands of feet of core with a 97.6% recovery rate. We're committed to your success as the industry develops more sustainable environments with reduced emissions.

  • Optimize your coring operation performance with multiple  patented technologies
  • Reduce risk by working with field personnel who have decades of experience and knowledge in various applications
  • Improve efficiency in a variety of environments including Miocene, shallow, and unconsolidated sands
  • Increase flexibility by working with solutions that can be utilized with a variety of muds types and power rig types
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