What a great opportunity to showcase US Coring's people, technology, and processes to a great audience!
Our very own Ryan Rupert presented at this year's 2022 Deepwater Technical Symposium in New Orleans and explained how US Coring leveraged proactive jam mitigation technology in a deepwater coring application in 500 ft of Miocene Sand.
A summary of the job included:
• 503 ft cored
• 495.3 ft core recovered
• 98.4% core recovery
• Four coring runs with 8-in. barrels
• 30 to 50K overpull to break cores (indicates that rock strength projections were good)
• 5 to 12K WOB
• 50 to 65 RPM
• 245 to 255 GPM
1. Deepwater Miocene sands can be successfully cored and recovered with large-diameter cores in the GoM in a safe efficient manner.
2. Full-closure coring systems are not required for every coring application in this environment.
3. Longer barrels, up to 240 ft in length, can be successfully run in Deepwater applications.
4. Performance might be enhanced if deflector features are added to the ports on the face of the bit to minimize plugged nozzles and effects of induced fluid invasion on the core.
5. There is value in assembling a true team and in communicating job requirements clearly and often.
Contact us to learn more about how we can help maximize the performance and recovery of your next coring operation.